Military Surplus Soviet GP-5 Gas Mask


The Outdoor Gear Co.

  • $79.95
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Military Surplus Soviet GP-5 gas mask with Carry Bag and Filter

Former USSR gas mask made from rubber. This gas mask  is a single filter gas mask.

It was issued to the Soviet population starting in 1970; production ended in 1989. Comes with display filter and carry bag.

Unissued Civilian gasmask

All filters supplied are post 1980 and do not contain asbestos. Certified by TUV NORD GERMANY

Sold as a novelty item they are ideal for fancy dress costumes, cos play, anime, film props and military collectors

Please note: These are original military surplus therefore there may be some colour, quality and style variation to the image shown. Items are picked at random and no two gasmasks are exactly the same.


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