2mm Hootchie Cord Nylon Rope

2mm Hootchie Cord Nylon Rope


The Outdoor Gear Co.

  • $12.00
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Thin paracord thhis nylon cord is perfect for general purpose uses, great for army cadets for setting up their hoochies.

Can also be used as emergency set of shoe laces when our hiking or trekking outdoors.

Length: 15m

Approximately 2mm wide diameter nylon rope

Colour: Olive Drab

Warning: This product is not designed to hold your body weight or to lift heavy objects overhead. Do not use this product for climbing, repelling, lifting heavy objects or other situations where personal safety or valuable property can be endangered. The working load and weight rating are based on static tests and the limits shown should never be exceeded. Shock conditions (swing, stress, jerk) can reduce working loads by more than 33%. Never stand in line with rope under tension; such rope, particularly nylon rope, may recoil (snap back). Never use this product to secure large flat surfaces or objects. All ropes should be replaced if signs of wear, such as broken fibers are apparent. Knots reduce the strength of the rope more than 50%, splicing is preferable. Misuse can result in serious injury.

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