Small Molle Assault Military Backpack Tan


The Outdoor Gear Co.

  • $119.95
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The MOLLE Assault Pack is specially designed to maximise space and strength for those who value quality. With two large compartments, two small compartments, two internal organisers, one inner pocket and one inner mesh pocket, the MOLLE Assault Pack gives you enough space to organise your gear in a compact way with flexible options. An extensive MOLLE webbing system on the pack gives you great versatility to attach any molle pouches you require, such as tool pockets, tac pouches or first aid kits. Zips along the length of the pack allow for complete opening, ensuring that you can access and organise your entire pack without having to rearrange anything. Convenient adjustable straps at the base of the pack allow you to attach essentials such as mats, sleeping bags or hike tents


  • 2 x large compartments
  • 2 x small compartments
  • 2 x internal organisers
  • 1 x  inner pocket
  • 1 x inner mesh pocket
  • Internal organiser in front pocket and middle compartment
  • Zips along the whole length of the pack for complete opening
  • Side compression straps
  • MOLLE strapping on front and sides
  • Velcro MOLLE straps on the top front of pack
  • Adjustable straps on the bottom of pack ideal for attaching mats or sleeping bags
  • Adjustable shoulder and hip straps
  • Breathable mesh back harness

    Colour: Desert Tan

    Also available in Black

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