Original German Jacket Liner

SKU: CJ59 95

The Outdoor Gear Co.

  • $39.95
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Add an extra layer to your Bundeswehr (German Army) field parka with this cold weather liner, dated around the late '90's. This genuine issue liner can be worn with a flecktarn parka or by itself, like a regular jacket. If you're wearing it as a top layer, you can make use of the zipped chest pocket to store your essential items.

Constructed from a polyester/polyamide blend with a soft, quilted lining. The collar and cuffs are thick and elasticated for increasing insulation where heat is usually lost. A drawstring around the bottom of the liner can be tightened to further improve the fit retain and more heat. The front zip can be done up to the top of the collar to cover the neck and chin.

Pick up one of these German liners up to improve your flecktarn parka for cold weather or wear it as a stand-alone jacket. You can also wear it with other overcoats, jackets and parkas that have enough space for a liner underneath.

  • Genuine German Army surplus
  • Polyester/Polyamide construction with a polyester filling
  • Elasticated cuffs and collar
  • Soft, quilted lining
  • Zipped chest pocket
  • Drawstring around the bottom of the jacket
  • Zip-up front

Sizing is Maximum chest size in cm

Please note: Please note: These are original military surplus items therefore there may be some colour, quality and style variation to the image shown. Items are picked at random and no two items are exactly the same.

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