Original Australian Army DPCU SAUSAGE Backpack


The Outdoor Gear Co.

  • $249.00
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The Original Australian Army DPCU SAUSAGE Backpack is a tough and durable rucksack, equipped with dual compartments and plenty of MOLLE webbing.

Its adjustable ladder harness, comfortable padded shoulder and waist straps with lumbar support make it easy to carry. Made of tough cotton/canvas fabric with 2 large external pockets for extra storage and is MOLLE compatible for easy attachment of gear.

Excellent condition...These are rare and extremely hard to come by especially in this condition. This Auscam hiking style backpack is a great collectors piece or a very useful backpack for bivouac, cadet camps or outdoor activities such as hunting and hiking.

APPROX: 400mm (W) x 720 mm (H) x 215 (D)

Capacity: 55-60L

Weight: 3.4kg

Please note: These are an ORIGINAL army surplus item. All the products may vary in colour and quality. No two products are the same and items are selected at random

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